Good Afternoon A.I. Band Family!

There is a Band Booster Meeting tonight at 7:00 pm. This will be via Zoom and the link is at the bottom of the page.

We will need to decide whether we can move forward with the Gift Wrap Fundraiser. I am asking EVERY parent and guardian to quickly complete the 2-question survey listed HERE

Every marching band student in grades 9-12 can invite one guest to the football game tomorrow. The form to register is due TONIGHT by midnight. CLICK HERE for the registration form. 

Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Rich Weaver

Band Director – A.I. duPont H.S.

Richard Weaver is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Band BoostersTime: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime (11/19/20 @ 7:00 pm)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 916 7058 4773

Passcode: Band2020

One tap mobile+13017158592,,91670584773#,,,,,,0#,,49676879# US (Washington D.C)+13126266799,,91670584773#,,,,,,0#,,49676879# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)Meeting ID: 916 7058 4773Passcode: 49676879Find your local number:

Good Afternoon Tiger Band Family!

Marching Band practice will take place outside at our stadium this evening (11/04/20) from 6:00-8:00 pm. This will be for all band members (musicians and band fronts). Please bring everything you need (instruments, music, PPE, warm clothes, etc.).
Students: Please remember to close the tab after you submit your Covid Temperature Form immediately after you click submit! Thank you very much!

We have fixed our Remind App Account! This will allow us to send text messages to band members and their families regarding practices and events. It is important to join in case there are ever last minute changes due to weather. Due to the class size limitations from the software, there are two groups that will receive the same message. One is for students in the band and one is for parents and guardians. Please join the correct class while you are reading this. Please use your full name if prompted to enter it. This is a new account from last year, so everyone need to join again.

Students: Text @aimb21s to the number 81010

Parents & Guardians: text @aimb21pg to the number 81010

There is no home football game this Friday (11/06/20), so the band does not have a performance. 

Beginning next week, we will practice one night per week. It will be on our regular Monday evenings from 6:00-8:00 pm. Below are our remaining practices and events for the fall. 

Tonight, 11/16/20: Practice 6:00-8:00 pm

Monday, 11/09/20: Practice 6:00-8:00 pm

Friday, 11/13/20: Football Home Game at 6:00 pm

Monday, 11/16/20: Practice 6:00-8:00 pm

Friday, 11/20/20: Football Home Game at 6:00 pm

Please contact Mr. Weaver with any questions.

Rich Weaver

Band Director – A.I. duPont H.S. 

Good Afternoon,

11/2/20: Tonight, Band Fronts will rehearse and continue with auditions from 6:00-8:00 pm. They will be inside the building utilizing the gyms. Please enter through the band room door at the front of the school.

Practice is cancelled for all playing members (aka musicians). So, no brass, woodwind (includes flutes), or percussion students should report to school tonight. This is due to the fact that we cannot rehearse indoors with band instruments. Between the wind and cold temperatures tonight, we do not want to attempt to rehearse outside. Please spend about an hour practicing at home. If you don’t have an instrument study your music and figure out your finger positions. Focus on Bad Romance, Give Me Everything Tonight, and Olympic Spirit.

We will still plan on having a full band practice Wednesday (11/4/20) from 6:00-8:00 pm at the football stadium.

The football game is away this week, so the band will not be participating in the event.

Our last two home football games will be Friday 11/13/20 and 11/20/20.
Please contact me with any questions.

Rich Weaver

Band Director – A.I. duPont High School

Good Afternoon,

It looks as though the rain should be just about finished for the day. After some discussion, we have decided that we will move forward with band rehearsal tonight. Practice will be outdoors from 6:00-8:00 pm. The temperature will be around 60 degrees, so please dress warmly. You can always take a jacket off, but you can’t put it on if you didn’t bring it. Please remember your instrument, equipment, music, and any necessary PPE. I still have plastic sleeve if you need some to protect your music.

I would recommend that everyone brings a small towel with them to rehearsal. Students may need to wipe off their music stand and the bleacher where they sit. We will have paper towels, but regular cloth towels work much better.

We will begin to work on our second halftime tune tonight. It is Give Me Everything Tonight. I will print copies at school, but have attached it in case you would like to preview it or print your own music. Below is a link to listen to it at JW Pepper’s Website.

Check-in procedures for rehearsal will be the same as they were last week.

Rich Weaver

Good Afternoon, 

This is a reminder for students who will be participating in tonight’s Football Marching Band. Remember to be at the school between 5:00-5:15 pm. Park in the student lot closest to Hillside Road (see attached). Please were appropriate pants and sneakers (jeans, khakis,  etc.). Please do no wear pajama pants, sandals, etc. Wear your Gold AI Band T-shirt or any other Gold/Yellow T-shirt. (I will have a shirt for 9th grade members). Also bring the AI Band Raincoat. Do no forget your music and all parts of your instrument. Band fronts please remember all parts of your uniform, warm ups, and equipment (whatever you decided on Wednesday night). 

If you have not attended at least one of the two practices this week please do not come to the game tonight. 

Remember to scan the QR code and have your temperature checked at the gate. PLEASE close your browser tab after you click submit. If you do not do so it can change the timestamp for the form. 

Kickoff is at 6:00 pm. The band will be playing one song from the stands at halftime. We will also be playing the fight song and any other stand tunes that we are able to learn throughout the game. The game should finish around 8:00-8:30. Students should call or text for a ride during the 4th quarter. The band will exit the stadium immediately after the game concludes. Students should wait for their rides on the sidewalk by the band member parking (see attached). Please do not stay on the sidewalk by the stadium because the football teams will be exiting there as well. 

Please remember to bring water for yourself. Do not forget to eat ahead of time because the concession stand will not be open. 
Remember your masks, bell covers, and please keep 6′ apart at all times. 
Below is a link to all of the Live Streaming Links for this fall. 

Rich Weaver


Welcome to all new and returning students & parents to the 2020-2021 Tiger Band Program! 

[Students – after reading this, please CLICK HERE to complete a basic information form.] 

My name is Richard Weaver, and I am the Band Director at A.I. duPont High School. Jessica Burton is our Associate Band Director who also serves as our Band Front Advisor. As we begin our journey into this school year, it remains unlike any school year we have experienced in the past. While we are all eager to jump back in and do what we do best, we must face the safety protocols placed upon us due to the coronavirus pandemic. We do not have all of the answers at this time and planning will change with the environment. We just want to keep you in the loop and let you know where we are right now. Students, let’s use this opportunity to be creative and do things outside of what we usually do. Let us work together to plan and design a positive experience for ourselves this year!

First off, extracurricular activities will have to follow the guidance of the Red Clay Consolidated School District and DIAA (Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association). Marching Band is being grouped with athletics in our school district. At this time, no athletic practices are permitted to take place. This also means that no extracurricular marching band practices are to be held at this time. We will not be having a summer marching band camp this year. Please keep in mind that this could change as the district restrictions evolve. DIAA is not permitting athletic competitions during the fall (which includes football). They proposed that three shortened seasons may possibly begin in December, with the “Fall” sports season starting in February. You can read the article here. I am hoping that if football begins at that time, then marching bands would also be permitted to do so and perform at games. Unfortunately for us, most of the parades in which we participate have also been canceled this year. Please remember that these steps have been taken with the safety of the overall public in mind. 

Music teachers have been following the NFHS Aerosol Study to get recommendations for how to proceed with singing and playing wind instruments once students return to school buildings for in-person classes. There is A LOT of information listed at the above link. [Feel free to watch all the videos, look at the detailed PDF, or just skim the 1-page recommendations.] Thankfully, AIHS has a large band room and we should be able to follow the distancing suggestions from the study mentioned above. We will most likely have two sections of band this year. One for the playing members and one for the band fronts. If class sizes are required to be reduced even more, then we would split the percussionists and wind players into different areas if possible. Of course, this is all dependent on what is possible within our school’s master schedule. Due to low student enrollment, Jazz Band will not be offered as a class during the school day. When extracurricular activities are permitted, we can explore the option of creating a jazz band after school. 

All band students who play a musical instrument should be enrolled in Marching/Concert Band (0817-1). All students who are returning Band Fronts from last year should also be enrolled in a class (The schedule will either list Marching/Concert Band (0817-2) or it may be listed as Jazz Band (0820-1) for the time being. Once schools approach Hybrid or In-Person learning, we will have marching band practice one night per week if the district decides that it can safely occur (the band typically practices on Monday evenings). At that point, we can discuss how to audition and include new Band Fronts, and any students who wish to begin learning a musical instrument. 

*If a student has a scheduling conflict this year and cannot enroll in band class (or band front class), they may still participate in marching band after school once we are allowed to do so. 

Students will begin school remotely on September 8, 2020. For band class, we plan to have students practice instrumental music (or dance choreography) at home if they are able to do so. We will do our best to make sure that students can borrow a school-owned instrument (or band front equipment) if needed. Percussionists can practice with drumsticks and a practice pad. We will also focus on other aspects of music. Examples could include music appreciation, theory, show design, rhythmic studies, analysis, and connecting to other disciplines. Students will even create video lessons to teach others how to play their instrument or use band front equipment. We may also focus on smaller group ensembles and/or solo pieces. We will hopefully learn more about what technology we will have access to in the coming week. As usual, I will include students in our planning processes as much as possible. 

Best Regards, 

Richard Weaver

Band Director – A.I. duPont High School