Voting for Band Secretary

Good Afternoon Band Students, Today, we move forward with our voting for band officers. President - Nick Wacksman Vice President - Sanai Corbin Top runners-up for vice president, in alphabetical order by last name, were: -Georgia-May Craig -Gracie…

Voting for Band Vice President

Good Afternoon A.I. Band Family! Congratulations to all of the rising seniors who were nominated for Band President! There are some fantastic leaders in this class, but we could not choose everybody. Next year's Band President is Nick Wacksman! (Nick…

Band Officer Voting

Believe it or not, it's that time of the year where we begin to plan for the 2020-2021 school year! Things that students need to know: Links to the voting document will be in Schoology. (For some reason, some band fronts still do not have…

Band Trip Refund and 2020-21 Band Officer Elections.

Good Afternoon A.I. Band Family! I hope that you are all staying healthy and safe; both physically and mentally! I have had my moments, but we can be strong and get through this challenge! Here are a couple of updates to share. Spring Band…


Good Afternoon Tiger Band Family! I know that this time of the year is a lot different than we thought it would be. In fact, that's a huge understatement. Even though we do not know what tomorrow will bring, we want to make sure that certain…

COVID-19 Closure Updates

Good Evening AIHS Band Family, I hope that everyone is doing the best that they can given our current situation. Schools and many businesses have closed, or made adjustments in how they operate during this time of social distancing which is…