Good Evening AIHS Band Family,

I hope that everyone is doing the best that they can given our current situation. Schools and many businesses have closed, or made adjustments in how they operate during this time of social distancing which is intended to help flatten the curve of COVID-19. It is not ideal. It was not planned. It is personally affecting many of us, our friends, and our families (physically, mentally, financially, etc.).

We all need to do our best to stay at home and minimize our social interactions. Of course many people still need to leave home to go to work or the grocery store. That is completely understandable and acceptable. We need to avoid parties and any other types of group gatherings (regardless or how large or small they are). Hopefully, the sooner we all do our part the sooner we will get back to our normal way of life. I cannot help but think about all of the students who are missing out on school clubs, sports, and other activities, in addition to their academic classes. My heart is with them during this time. Especially the seniors who will not have the opportunity for a redo next year. I believe that we can all keep our heads up and be there for each other. Stand Upright and Endure. Because that’s what A.I. Tigers do!

In the coming days I will make a blog post that will list different online music resources that students can utilize during their time at home. There will be some that you can use with your instrument, and others that do not require an instrument.

As of this afternoon, I was informed by Music Festivals that they had to cancel most of their competitions. This includes cancelling the Baltimore/Washington area trip that the band had planned for April 24-26. Again, my heart is with the students being impacted. The company is working through logistics with their hotels and other vendors regarding deposits that have already been made. I expect that we will get a full refund given the circumstances. I will have more information by next week. That is all I know at this time.

As far as anything else is concerned, your guess is as good as mine! We do not know the extended impact of our current situation. What will happen to concerts, dances, and everything else is unknown at this time. Of course I will share any information as it becomes available to me. Until then, look for the positives and stay strong. We have never experienced anything like this before. History is happening before our very eyes and we all play a role in it.

Best Regards,

Rich Weaver – Band Director