Good Afternoon Band Students,
Today, we move forward with our voting for band officers.
President – Nick Wacksman
Vice President – Sanai Corbin
Top runners-up for vice president, in alphabetical order by last name, were:
-Georgia-May Craig
-Gracie Harding
-Varun Kulkarni

(They each had approx. 15% of the votes. This does not mean that you have to vote for one of these 3 students. I’m just sharing because you would know the vote counts in we did this election in person in the band room. I’m trying to maintain consistency.)

Only students are voting. Each student gets one vote per election.
Please CLICK HERE to place your vote for Band Secretary.
Rich Weaver – Director of Bands
P.S. – I still miss all of you!

Good Afternoon A.I. Band Family!

Congratulations to all of the rising seniors who were nominated for Band President! There are some fantastic leaders in this class, but we could not choose everybody.

Next year’s Band President is Nick Wacksman!

(Nick had the majority of the top votes and this election did not require a runoff vote.)

The top 4 runners-up for president, in alphabetical order by last name, were:
-Sanai Corbin
-Georgia-May Craig
-Gracie Harding
-Varun Kulkarni

We will now begin voting for Vice President of Bands at the link below. This voting will remain open for 48 hours. This election is only for current band students. Students will need to be logged into their Red Clay Schools account in order to vote. Students have one vote per election.

Click Here to Vote for Vice President of Bands

Believe it or not, it’s that time of the year where we begin to plan for the 2020-2021 school year!

Things that students need to know:

  • Links to the voting document will be in Schoology. (For some reason, some band fronts still do not have access to Band Section 1-8. So, I will put all voting links in both sections (1-8 and 2-8).
  • We will vote for president first, then vice president, secretary, then treasurer. I will leave the voting document open for at least 24 hours for students to access. If there is a need for a run-off election I was post a voting link for it. Again, students will have 24 hours to access the the voting document before we move on to the next position.
  • Students can vote once for one person for each position. They will need to log into their Google Account to do so. E-mail addresses are recorded, but your vote is anonymous.
  • I will contact students whenever a new voting document becomes active by posting it in Schoology, emailing the students via their redclayschools email, and I will send out a Remind notice. Please communicate this with other member of the band who may not have been on Schoology or in our Zoom meetings.
  • Remind – If you are a student and did not receive the Remind notice that I sent out to our student group at 3:00 pm on Thursday, 5/7/20, then please join that group! To join our Student Remind Group, text the message @aimbs to the number 81010. This is only for current students in grades 9-12. If you have a problem joining, email Mr. Weaver your name and cell phone number or email (whichever you use with Remind). If you do not have the Remind App, messages will come through as a text message if you signed up with a cell phone or an email if you joined that way.

Here is a link to the form for students to vote for the 2020-2021 President of Bands.


Good Afternoon A.I. Band Family!

I hope that you are all staying healthy and safe; both physically and mentally! I have had my moments, but we can be strong and get through this challenge!

Here are a couple of updates to share.

Spring Band Trip:

Parents and Guardians – If you made a payment (check/cash) for the spring band trip to the Baltimore/Washington area we are returning that payment. Please email the following information to both and

  • Name of your student
  • Name that should appear on the refund check (who made the original payment?)
  • Address to send the check

*Any unused fundraising credits will carry over to the student accounts for next year. Fundraising credits from 12th grade students will move into our general financial aid account to help other students. Please note that the band boosters are not legally allowed to “pay” families for proceeds they earn through fundraisers.

2020-2021 Band Officer Elections:

Students – There is now a discussion board to nominate rising seniors for band president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. It is in the band Schoology page. Band Fronts will need to add March/Concert Band: Section 1-8 as a course in their Schoology account. I posted directions on how to do this on your Schoology page.

Please let me know if names are incorrect or missing from the list. Please begin nominating students and posting positive comments (no need for negative comments). There are four positions, so feel free to nominate and comment on up to four people.

We will vote for each position separately, beginning with president of bands. I will post the voting document tomorrow or Wednesday. Remember that this is YOUR band, so please participate in this process!

I miss you all very much!

Rich Weaver


Good Afternoon Tiger Band Family!

I know that this time of the year is a lot different than we thought it would be. In fact, that’s a huge understatement. Even though we do not know what tomorrow will bring, we want to make sure that certain things are not forgotten. Our Senior Awards is one of them. Ms. Norton has created the Senior Award Nomination Form. Please read the descriptions and nominate any senior that you feel would be a good fit for the award. Nominations can be made from students, family members, friends, employers, etc. Ms. Norton is asking that nominations be completed by Friday, April 24th.

Senior Award Descriptions

Senior Award Nomination Form

STUDENTS – Please vote for the John Philip Sousa Award (as discussed in our Zoom meeting today. There is a link in the Week 3 folder on Schoology. You will need to sign into your school Google account in order to vote (one vote per student). Please place your vote by tomorrow (Friday, 4/17/20).

JPS Award Link (for students only)

Please stay safe and take care of any family and friends in need!

Rich Weaver

Good Evening AIHS Band Family,

I hope that everyone is doing the best that they can given our current situation. Schools and many businesses have closed, or made adjustments in how they operate during this time of social distancing which is intended to help flatten the curve of COVID-19. It is not ideal. It was not planned. It is personally affecting many of us, our friends, and our families (physically, mentally, financially, etc.).

We all need to do our best to stay at home and minimize our social interactions. Of course many people still need to leave home to go to work or the grocery store. That is completely understandable and acceptable. We need to avoid parties and any other types of group gatherings (regardless or how large or small they are). Hopefully, the sooner we all do our part the sooner we will get back to our normal way of life. I cannot help but think about all of the students who are missing out on school clubs, sports, and other activities, in addition to their academic classes. My heart is with them during this time. Especially the seniors who will not have the opportunity for a redo next year. I believe that we can all keep our heads up and be there for each other. Stand Upright and Endure. Because that’s what A.I. Tigers do!

In the coming days I will make a blog post that will list different online music resources that students can utilize during their time at home. There will be some that you can use with your instrument, and others that do not require an instrument.

As of this afternoon, I was informed by Music Festivals that they had to cancel most of their competitions. This includes cancelling the Baltimore/Washington area trip that the band had planned for April 24-26. Again, my heart is with the students being impacted. The company is working through logistics with their hotels and other vendors regarding deposits that have already been made. I expect that we will get a full refund given the circumstances. I will have more information by next week. That is all I know at this time.

As far as anything else is concerned, your guess is as good as mine! We do not know the extended impact of our current situation. What will happen to concerts, dances, and everything else is unknown at this time. Of course I will share any information as it becomes available to me. Until then, look for the positives and stay strong. We have never experienced anything like this before. History is happening before our very eyes and we all play a role in it.

Best Regards,

Rich Weaver – Band Director