Good Evening A.I. Band Family!

Here is some information regarding the marching band for this week.

Monday, 9/9/19 – The following items are due today:

Sub Dinner Forms Due

Mum Fundraiser Due

Band Apparel Orders (Online ordering for band apparel has been extended until Saturday 9/14/19. This will allow anyone attending the sub dinner or home football game to place an order. If we have enough demand we can do another in late October.)

Marching Band Practice  – Monday, 9/9/19 from 7:00-9:00 pm. The band room will be open at 6:00 pm for any sections who have planned sectionals.

Football Game – Friday, 9/13/19:

Sub Dinner 4:30 pm in cafeteria (for any students/families who purchased a sub.)

Report to Band Room 5:00 pm (ALL Band Members – In Complete Uniform)

We will march to the stadium around 5:15-5:30 pm. It is senior night for the football team and that will take place before the game. It sounds as though Christiana High School will not be bringing their band on Friday evening.

The A.I. Band will perform the national anthem at 5:55 pm.

Kick-off is at 6:00 pm

The A.I. Band will perform on the field at halftime.

The game will last approximately 2-2.5 hours. Band members are expected to stay until the very end of the game unless prior arrangements (with a valid reason) have been made with Mr. Weaver.

*We will have water coolers for band members to use during the game. Students may also bring a small amount of money to purchase items from the concession stand. Mr. Weaver will let them know when they can go to the concession stand.